The W&L Spectator

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Big Brother is Silencing You

By Sofi Daniels ’23,

Binghamton University College Republicans were barred from reserving rooms by their Student Association. Furthermore, all their previous room reservations were canceled.

But let me back up and explain the events that led to this gross mishandling of authority.

On November 15, a group of students were setting up a table with hot chocolate and posters for a Young America’s Foundation (YAF) sponsored event at Binghamton University. The event was featuring Dr. Art Laffer, a member of Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory Board (1981-1989). On that day, a group of nearly 200 protesters surrounded the table and began to taunt and harass the students. Even when the University police arrived, the protestors continued to harass the students and demanded that they “pack it up.” The demonstrators then shouted at the police, “No justice. No peace. No racist police.”

A few days later, on November 18, Binghamton University College Republicans bravely went ahead with the YAF sponsored event. Unfortunately, it was interrupted by hundreds of protestors both inside and outside the lecture room who couldn’t even be bothered to listen to Dr. Laffer’s points. And again, members of the College Republicans had to be escorted to a safer place. I’ve linked both videos below.

Following those disturbing events, New York Assemblyman Douglas Smith wrote to President Stenger. He asked how Binghamton University would “promote inclusion and diversity on campus; this includes diversity of political opinions.” Assemblyman Smith ended his letter by saying, “I am hopeful that you will actively work to ensure that State University of New York at Binghamton students are able to peacefully exercise their first amendment rights on campus without fear of physical violence in the future.” That’s a plea that shouldn’t have to be uttered in America; free speech is supposed to be sacrosanct.

However, President Stenger didn’t apologize for the way the protestors shut down the events. Instead said they were, “triggered by a pro- 2nd amendment sign.” YAF, which doesn’t agree with the idea that being angry about the US Constitution is an acceptable catalyst for violence, is considering the possibility of litigation.

Being physically harassed for voicing a differing opinion has no place in a free society. This isn’t an isolated event. This act of violence against a group with conservative views isn’t even rare; it’s common. All over American universities and high schools, students are actively being shut down and censored. As a society, we seem to be obsessed with diversity and inclusion, but what happened to diversity of ideas?

We come to college to learn and to listen. In other words, to become more open-minded and tolerant. What happened to respectfully disagreeing with someone?

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