The W&L Spectator

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Why I Came to W&L

By Pierce Robinson ‘23,

The decision of where to attend college was easily the toughest responsibility I have had to undertake. The scores of viable options across the country made for an agonizing experience as my decision grew closer. Many exceptional colleges have stellar academics, outstanding athletics, and an active student body. However, none of them commit to honor in the same way as W&L, and I believe that commitment to honor gives such a lifelong advantage to each Washington and Lee student. In hindsight, I am certain that I made the correct decision in choosing to attend Washington and Lee. 

My high school in rural North Carolina graduates eighty students each year. I was extremely fortunate to go to that small and competitive charter school. The teachers could, as a product of the small class sizes, give special attention to each student and their development. At my high school, the foundational charter allows students to focus on the humanities and take classes that are usually not offered at other high schools in the area. Because I had that wonderful opportunity, I took four years of Latin, two years of Logic, and one year of Rhetoric. I believe that those classes gave me a well-rounded education. During my research of Washington and Lee, seeing the experiential learning as a major focus as well as professors being able to give attention to students were indicators that here is the right fit for me.  

As I got closer to a final decision on where to attend, I reflected on the time I spent at Washington and Lee during the admissions process. More specifically, I remembered the brief time I spent here when I was on a seventh-grade trip and my visit to the campus during my junior year of high school. From the very beginning, the closeness of the student body struck me. My subsequent visits only served to cement my initial feelings. Observing top-rate professors and speaking to students gave me a sense of belonging that I felt nowhere else. I made up my mind that I wanted to attend, applied, and celebrated when I learned I was admitted.  

For years I have had a special passion for politics and the judiciary in the United States. One of my principal considerations in the college search was finding a school with not just an exceptional politics department. After attending Admitted Students Day, I knew that Washington and Lee fits that bill perfectly. There is a large department with a penchant for providing students with the necessary skills to become leaders. Also, the ability to engage in free speech across campus has allowed me to think critically and engage with new ideas. This allowance of free speech, of which many colleges are not as tolerant, has made me a more well-rounded student.  

Possibly the most important factor in my choosing Washington and Lee is the Honor System. Washington and Lee students set the highest bar for integrity, and the advantages that come with living one’s life with honor cannot be overstated. Being able to leave my bag in the library and take tests outside of class were notions foreign to me at my high school. At W&L, those things happen every day. Whether it be the Honor System, free speech, or experiential learning, I know that I made the best decision of my life in choosing Washington and Lee University