@dearwlu is not @notunmindful

By Michael McLaughlin ‘23,

Many Washington and Lee University students who are advocating to “change the name,” also applaud two very influential social media accounts particular to our university. If you are at all connected to W&L and have social media if any form, you are probably already aware of both @dearwlu and @notunmindful. The former is our school’s branch of the social media campaign, @dearpwi, which is a platform used to expose instances of racism at predominantly white college campuses in the United States. The latter is an account run by an anonymous recent graduate of W&L and is the main advocate for changing the name of Washington and Lee.

Both pages have their merits, but a widespread, false narrative attempts to link the two accounts in their motives and goals. Since instances of racism are being reported on @dearwlu, we are told that we must change the name via @notunmindful. The narrative’s logic goes like so: because racist microaggressions are being reported at our university, and we are named after a white-supremacist former Confederate general; then these aggressions must take inspiration from our namesake, so the university must change its name.

This is illogical for a couple of reasons. The first is that there is no link between these microaggressions and Robert E. Lee. For proof, look to the quality and quantity of the reports on @dearwlu versus those from other colleges. Microaggressions of similar quality are also being reported at universities not named after Lee. Not one of the other schools listed on @dearpwi are even named after former Confederate generals. For the sake of quantity, such racist microaggressions are being reported much more frequently at northern institutions such as Middlebury, Bates, and Tufts. If you don’t believe me, just scroll through @dearpwi

Not only that, but @dearwlu and @notunmindful simply do not have the same fanbase. On July 7, 2020 at 9:12 pm, @dearwlu on Instagram has 2,613 followers, meanwhile @notunmindful on Instagram only has 1,780. If the two accounts are so inexorably linked, how does @notunmindful account for the 833-follower discrepancy? Let me suggest an idea: perhaps “change the name” activists are not the only ones that care about racism on our campus. All at W&L recognize (or should recognize) the need to make sure no person feels alien on campus because of the color of his or her skin. This does not mean that all see @notunmindful and its goals as solutions. The idea that those who want to keep the name of Washington and Lee University unchanged must not care about racism, or maybe even enable it, is rubbish.

I implore everyone connected to W&L that has social media to follow both of these accounts closely. Be revolted at the racist attacks being reported on @dearwlu. Pay attention to the arguments for dropping Lee from the university name on @notunmindful. But let no one make you believe that these accounts are causal to each other, or that they alone have a monopoly on positive change at Washington and Lee. And while I’m here, check out @supportwandl, the main social media platform advocating to “keep the name.” It also wants to end racism on campus but does not believe removing Lee would help. Ask them why with an open mind. It may be interesting.


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