The W&L Spectator

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Letter to the Editor: God’s New Covenant

Dear W&L Spectator,

As a graduate in the Class of 1985 and the son of a graduate in the Class of 1960, I must express my concern with the current consideration for changing the name of the University.  It is in my view unfortunate that our society is rushing towards an Orwellian erasure of history instead of considering it a resource for learning and improving.  While not an historian, I have read enough of what is written about Lee to form a reasoned opinion, and I chose to believe his contributions to the University and the post war reconciliation were significant and should therefore be cause for remembrance and recognition, even to the extent of having his name be part of our University's ongoing legacy.

God’s New Covenant with Christians teaches that no man or woman is perfect.  All of us are flawed, yet many rise above their flaws to achieve great things.  Should not those flawed achievers be honored.  Was not Dr. King flawed?  Yet he is rightly honored as a great leader and healer, espousing through peaceful means that our nation should aspire to be blind to racial differences.  How does removing Lee’s name move us closer to that goal?  Arguably it moves us in the opposite direction, a few affronted people can use a racial grievance to disguise and then remove a legacy, thereby erasing history.  How does this erasure advance the other key tenet of the New Covenant, namely forgiveness through love?  Regrettably, I fear I know the answer.  In a godless realm, the prevailing belief bears no quarter for the NEW Covenant, only the tip of the spear.  Beware the alter of extreme tolerance.


Alumnus ‘85