End W&L’s Misrepresentation of History
The Spectator Editorial Staff The Spectator Editorial Staff

End W&L’s Misrepresentation of History

An alumnus writing to The W&L Spectator recently noted his worry that Washington and Lee University was fast becoming “____ and ____ University.” Thankfully, the names “Washington” and “Lee” survived the coordinated attempt by many faculty members, administrators and alumni to erase them and silence all opposition amidst a national wave of cultural self-immolation.

But the alumnus’s point was that W&L may nonetheless become “____ and ____ University,” regardless of  the Board of Trustees’ decision. “____ and ____ University” is a philosophy of systematically hiding, desecrating, and rewriting our university’s history, and has been the modus operandi of the school’s administration for years.

The university’s recent survey asking the W&L community their thoughts on a new Institutional History Museum appears like step in the right direction. Yet, the philosophy of “____ and ____ University” over the past few years makes its sincerity questionable at best. Up to this point their behavior suggests they do not care one bit about the past. It’s time for that to change.

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