Students, Stop Protesting and Start Caring
Pro-Palestinian demonstrations won’t achieve half as much as informed discussions…
Becoming a Conservative, an American, and a General
My journey to the W&L faculty taught me valuable lessons about excellence and open dialogue…
The Continued Necessity of Intellectual Freedom
As Congress scrutinizes top colleges, freedom of speech and thought remain vital pillars of higher education…
FIRE Recognizes WLU Advancing Free Speech
In 2022, FIRE ranked W&L 70th for free speech among colleges, an “average” ranking leaving significant room for improvement…
The Bureaucratic Quashing of Free Speech
The University can deter events through vague rules, despite pro-speech statements.
1st Amendment: "Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride"
Woke disruptors should be mindful of what they may agree to when attending events.
On What is a Woman? and campus speech
A measured response to “The conservative ‘war’ against trans people”