Historical Highlight: “Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee”
A century-old book review by William Taylor Thom, Class of 1869
Historical Highlight: Abolitionists Vouch for President Lee
This highlight features excerpts from an 1868 pamphlet fundraising for Washington College under President Robert E. Lee.
Robert E. Lee and the “New South”
An honest retrospective of Lee’s role in redefining the post-war South.
Students, Stop Protesting and Start Caring
Pro-Palestinian demonstrations won’t achieve half as much as informed discussions…
Scotland and the British Empire
How British imperial projects saved Scotland from economic ruin, 1707-1945…
Historical Highlight: John Robinson’s Exhumation
An 1855 letter describes the time capsule buried under the Robinson obelisk…
Being “Faithful to ourselves:” Frederick Douglass’s Prescription for Black America
The advice of the 19th-century Black abolitionist bridges the modern racial equity debate.
The Evolution of the Honor System
W&L’s distinctive system draws on centuries of tradition and Robert E. Lee’s key contributions…
An Interview With Professor Lynn Uzzell
Before the first class of each semester, Visiting Assistant Professor of Politics, Lynn Uzzell, asks her students a question: “What do you think is the most pressing political problem in America today?”
Historical Highlight: The Centennial of the Reaper
The Centennial of the Reaper, September 25, 1931
The 1924 Mock Convention
How a W&L tradition earned its famed reputation nearly 100 years ago