Whom does the Board think they’re convincing?
The university no longer honors George Washington and Robert E. Lee, so stop telling us you do…

Traveller’s headstone removed, not yet replaced
The headstone, placed over fifty years ago during the interment of Robert E. Lee’s favorite horse, was removed this morning, on June 14, 2023. The removal came just days after university officials removed three other plaques across campus, including one on the Lee House stables honoring Traveller’s last home.

Traveller plaque on stables removed, grave marker to be replaced
Traveller plaque on stables removed, grave marker to be replaced. University officials remove several more plaques without announcement | By Kamron M. Spivey, ‘24
Tourists, visitors, and students will no longer be greeted by a plaque commemorating the last home of Traveller, the horse which served Robert E. Lee during and after the Civil War. The plaque, formerly affixed to the Washington Street wall of the Lee House stable, was removed over the weekend. Pointing out the stable’s significance, it had been an established part of the campus milieu for nearly 100 years.

Chapel construction underway, expected to reopen late August
Implementing plans announced over two years ago, the university began its long-contested construction on Lee Chapel, National Historic Landmark, last month….Despite numerous requests from The Spectator, university officials have refused to provide a list of the removed plaques or their location, excluding the three installed on the Memorial Gateway last year.