W&L Students Form New Investment Society
The Sustainable Innovation Investment Society aims to focus on long-term investing.

Speaker Shares African-American History Through Art
Stephen Towns, a quilting artist, shares his art’s connections to African-American history.

Classicist Speaks About Writing Book on Alexander the Great
Professor Kousser discusses studying and writing about Alexander the Great.

The W&L Political Review Returns to Campus
Students restart the Williams School academic journal after a hiatus.

W&L Almuna Gives Career Advice to Students
Kassie Scott reflects on life lessons and her experience as a Washington and Lee student.

Challenges to the Proposed Institutional History Museum
W&L faculty, along with community leaders, express concern about the proposed museum.

Historian Overviews Western Virginia During Revolutionary War
Historian Robert G. Parkinson uses western Virginia conflicts to describe “belonging and citizenship” in the Revolutionary era.
SHAG, ONE Condoms Sponsors “Sizing Saturday” at W&L
Facilitators distributed a “FITKIT” for participants to find their ideal condom size.

Professor Crockett Discusses Berlin Protest Experiences
Professor Roger Crockett described his experience at the 1968 West German student protests.

W&L, VSU Host Joint Choir Concerts
The schools came together for two joint concerts, bridging historical and social gaps.

VMI Hosts Debate on Controversial Monuments
Braver Angels debate discusses whether “oppressive” monuments should be removed.

Gerard Baker on the New American Revolution
The former editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal analyzes Trump’s reelection.

The Sights of Washington and Trump’s Liberty Ball
President Trump’s second inauguration was celebrated in style.

The Generals Redoubt Celebrates Founders’ Day at Fancy Hill
The alumni organization celebrated “one of the most significant traditions at W&L.”

Wake Forest Politics Professor Gives MLK Day Address
Melissa Harris-Perry shared her thoughts on MLK, race relations, and the 2024 election.

W&L Grapples with Central Role in Lee-Jackson Day
A parade honoring Confederate leaders draws passionate enthusiasm and intense criticism.

Former WSJ Editor-in-Chief to Visit W&L
His talk will examine the modern Republican Party’s efforts to the global order.

Behind Closed Doors: Inside SHAG’s “Sex in the Dark”
Facilitators discussed safe words, communication, and anatomy, among other topics.

Student Petition Fails to Change Dining Policy
Student pushback, including a petition, has not created any change to university policy.

Mayor Friedman Lays Out Plan for Next Term
Lexington’s mayor, fresh off an unopposed election victory, explains his vision.