Trusting W&L Cost Me Thousands
The university cares more about burnishing its finances than doing what’s right for students.

Historical Highlight: Abolitionists Vouch for President Lee
This highlight features excerpts from an 1868 pamphlet fundraising for Washington College under President Robert E. Lee.

College Presidents, Public Officials Discuss Role of Education in Rural Appalachia
Leaders of West Virginia’s colleges discuss their roles in the economy and society of their state.

Update on America’s Fiscal Crisis
Amidst many concerning programs, Medicare and Medicaid stand out as key culprits.

Can Conservatives be Anti-Racist?
Looking back on antebellum America, there is much to criticize…

A Proactive Defense of the Traditional Honor System
The modern Honor System’s self-contradictory subjectivity can only be resolved by a return to its roots in objective morality.

From the Archives: Presidential Interviews, 1995 and 2016
Segments from interviews with Presidents John Elrod (1995-2001) and William Dudley (2017-)

Naming Commission Historian Rationalizes Name Changes in Campus Talk
Robert E. Lee “truly led to the deaths of I think more American soldiers than any enemy we have faced,” said historian Connor Williams…

University Sponsors Separate Graduation Ceremony for LGBTQ Students
The private Lavender Graduation Ceremony is by invite only…